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id se a Gallicis armis cognovisse

  • 1 a

    I 1. ā, ab, (преим. перед te) abs praep. cum abl.
    1) от, из окрестностей, из
    ab urbe Cs, Sl etc. — от города, от городской черты
    distare ( или abesse Pl etc.) a loco Hirt, L — находиться на (каком-л.) расстоянии ( или отстоять) от (какого-л.) места
    a pectore V — из глубины души, от (всего) сердца
    ad carcĕres a calce revocari погов. C — вернуться от конца к началу, т. е. начать жизнь сызнова
    2) с, у, со стороны, на, в, к
    Gallia attingit flumen Rhenum ab Helvetiis Cs — Галлия достигает (простирается до) реки Рейна у гельветской границы (со стороны гельветов)
    a porta Cs — у ворот, но тж. Pl считая от ворот
    a latere Cs etc.сбоку
    a tergo Cs etc.сзади
    a septemtrionibus Cs — на севере, с северной стороны
    ab omni parte H — со всех сторон, перен. во всех отношениях
    Cappadocia, quae patet a Syria C — Каппадокия, открытая (доступная) со стороны Сирии
    a puppi religatus C — привязанный к корме; но
    a summo Cs — с вершины, сверху, тж. в верхней части
    1) вслед за, после
    2) от, с
    перед словом, обозначающим действующее лицо или причину
    ab aliquo interire C (cadere T, occidere O) — пасть от чьей-л. руки
    animus ab ignaviā corruptus Sl — характер, развращённый ленью
    levior est plāga ab amico, quam a debitore погов. C — легче переносится удар от друга, чем от должника
    tempus triste a malis O — время, омрачённое бедствиями
    facinus natum a cupiditate C — преступление, порождённое алчностью
    происхождение, побудительная причина: от, из, из-за, вследствие
    nasci (oriri) ab aliquo C — происходить от кого-л.
    ab irā L — в гневе, по злобе
    в смысле освобождения, удерживания или защиты от кого-л., чего-л.
    agere ab aliquo PJ — выступать (на суде) от чьего-л. лица, т. е. в защиту кого-л.
    в отношении (чего-л.), в смысле
    ab annis V, O — по годам, согласно возрасту
    ab epistulis, тж. a manu servus Suсекретарь
    7. 8.
    от, у ( при глаголах со смыслом брать, получать, узнавать и т. п.)
    accipere epistulam ab aliquo C — получать от кого-л. письмо
    cognoscere (audire) aliquid ab aliquo Cs — узнать (услышать) что-л. у (от) кого-л.
    9. 10.
    для обозначения различия, несходства
    heros ab Achille secundus H — (Эант), второй после Ахилла герой
    II ā! = ah! III ā-, ab, abs-
    1) отделения, отсечения ( ab-rumpo)
    3) удаления (ab-sum, ab-sisto)
    4) отклонения, отказа ( ab-judico)
    5) превышения, преувеличения ( ab-undo), иногда с отриц. оттенком ( ab-utor)
    IV a- = ad-

    Латинско-русский словарь > a

  • 2 cōgnōscō

        cōgnōscō gnōvī (often contr., cōgnōstī, cōgnōrō, cōgnōsse, etc.), gnitus, ere    [com- + (g)nōscō], to become acquainted with, acquire knowledge of, ascertain, learn, perceive, understand ; perf., to know: regiones, Cs.: domūs atque villas, S.: amnem, V.: quam (antiquitatem) habuit cognitam, N.: casūs nostros, V.: miserias sociorum: quis sim, ex eo, S.: per exploratores montem teneri, Cs.: furto postridie cognito: quibus (scriptis) cognitis, after reading, N.: id se a Gallicis armis cognovisse, knew by their weapons, Cs.: fide cognitā, tested, N.: ab his, non longe oppidum abesse, Cs.: sed Metello experimentis cognitum erat, genus infidum esse, S.: quem plane perditum cognorat: vos fortīs, S.: aliter ac sperarat rem p. se habentem, N.: alqm magni animi: alqm paratissimo animo: tandem qui siem, T.: id socordiāne an casu acciderit, S.: cognito, vivere Ptolemaeum, L.—Poet.: casus multis hic cognitus, experienced by, Iu. — Supin. acc.: promissa eius cognitum ex praesentibus inisit, S.—Supin. abl.: pleraque digna cognitu. — To recognize, acknowledge, identify: in eā re utilitatem meam, T.: alii, ne cognoscerentur, ad necem rapiebantur: inter ceteras Veturiam, L.: ostendimus Cethego signum, cognovit: signa sua, S.: cognoscenti similis fuit, seemed to recognize him, O.: pecus exceptum est, quod cognovissent, identified, L.: neque currentem se cognoscit, is like himself, V.: eum Syracusis, to identify.—To seek to know, inquire into, investigate, examine: Verres cognoscebat, Verres iudicabat: accusationem causamque: numerum militum: de agro Campano: de hereditate.—To criticise, appreciate: ut neque spectari neque cognosci (fabula) potuerit, T.: et cognoscendi et ignoscendi peccati locus, T. — To reconnoitre, spy, act as scout: qualis esset natura montis, qui cognoscerent, misit, Cs.
    * * *
    cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus V TRANS
    become acquainted with/aware of; recognize; learn, find to be; inquire/examine

    Latin-English dictionary > cōgnōscō

  • 3 cognosco

    cō-gnōsco, gnōvī, gnitum, ere (co und gnōsco = nōsco), einen Ggstd. kennen lernen, erkennen (auch = erproben), wahrnehmen, bemerken, vernehmen, erfahren, ersehen, zur Kenntnis od. Erkenntnis einer Sache gelangen, von etw. unterrichtet werden od. sich unterrichten, u. im Perf. auch = kennen, wissen, durch sinnliche od. geistige Wahrnehmung, durch Autopsie, Lektüre, Umgang, Erfahrung, Studium, I) im allg.: α) m. Acc.: sensus ignem cognoscere vere, Lucr.: c. regiones, Caes.: alcis sepulcrum, Suet.: ephebum Temni, Cic.: infantem, Suet.: multa animalia hoc primum saeculo, Sen.: strepitus pedum, Verg. – miserias sociorum, vernehmen, Cic.: responsum, Nep.: sententiam alcis, Nep.: naturam alcis, Sall.: morem hostium, Sall.: animos omnium facile, Nep.: alqm bene cognovisse, Cic.; vgl. alci bene cognitum esse, Caes. in Cic. ep.: antiquitatem diligenter habere cognitam, Nep. – fidem alcis, Caes.: summam in se voluntatem alcis, Caes. – haec animum cognoscere posse, Lucr.: perspicere cognoscereque naturam rerum, Cic.: ius civile domi, Cic. – m. Abl. wodurch? corpora tactu, Lucr.: matrem risu, Verg.: amnem assiduo venatu, Verg.: alqd experiendo magis quam discendo, Cic.: ea et litteris multorum et nuntiis cognosse, Cic.: Gallos, novam gentem, pace potius cognosci quam armis, Liv. – m. per u. Akk., deditio per nuntios cognita, Sall. fr.: homo per se cognitus (= homo novus), Cic. – m. ab u. ex m. Abl. = von jmd. od. aus etw., ab alqo haec dicta, Caes.: certissima putabo, quae ex te cognoro, Cic.: c. iter hostium ex perfugis, Sall.: alqm ex litteris alcis, Cic.: alqd non tam ex re, quam ex alcis factis decretisque, Cic.: illa cognosces ex aliis; a me pauca et ea summatim, Cic. ep. 10, 28, 3. – m. ab u. ex m. Abl. = an (aus) etw. (s. Held Caes. b. G. 1, 22, 1), id a Gallicis armis et insignibus, Caes.: alqm sermone ab ipso, Phaedr.: ab eiusdem motu numerorum naturam vimque, Cic.: quaedam magis ex aliorum contentione, quam ipsa per sese, Cic.: ex particula parva scelerum et crudelitatis tuae genus universum, Cic.: alcis adventum ex colore vestitus, Caes. – m. in u. Abl. = in od. bei etw., puerum in Iudo, Nep.: acerrimi viri praestantem prudentiam in omnibus rebus, Nep.: quae in vivis modo cognosci possunt, Cels. – m. einem zweiten Acc. als was? c. alqm bonum, Cic.: alqm hominem pudentem et officiosum, Cic.: alqm hominem summā probitate, Cic.: aliter rem publicam se habentem, Cic.: domos atque villas in urbium modum exaedificatas, Sall.: tam praesentes alibi divos, Verg. – m. Genet. od. Abl. der Eigenschaft, kennen lernen = erproben (s. Held Caes. b. G. 1, 28, 4. Nipperd. Tac. ann. 13, 6, 14), alqm magni animi, magnae inter Gallos auctoritatis cognovisse, Caes.: alqm paratissimo animo cognovisse, Cic. – β) m. Acc. u. Infin. u. im Passiv m. Nom. u. Infin., Attici nostri te valde studiosum esse cognovi, Cic.: signo detracto cognoscit sibi pereundum esse, Nep.: magnam multitudinem convenisse hostium in fines Pictonum litteris nuntiisque Duratii cognoscit, Hirt. b. G.: Metello iam antea experimentis cognitum erat genus Numidarum infidum esse, Sall.: cognitus (erkannt, dabei ertappt) Iphicli surripuisse boves, Prop. 2, 3, 52. – per exploratores Caesar cognoscit et montem a suis teneri et Helvetios castra movisse, Caes.: ab his cognoscit non longe ex eo loco oppidum Cassivellauni abesse, Caes.: id factum (esse) ex suis hospitibus cognoverat, Caes.: ex litteris imperatoris ita esse cognovit, Sall. – ecquid ab (an) impressae cognoscis imagine gemmae haec tibi Nasonem scribere verba, Ov.: ut abs te gratissimus esse cognoscerer, Cic. ep. 1, 5. litt. a. § 1. – u. im Abl. absol. (vgl. no. γ), cognito, nachdem man erfahren, in Erfahrung gebracht, cognito vivere Ptolemaeum, Liv.: cognito mandatum sibi auxilium, Aurel. Vict.: ex agrestibus cognito hostium naves ad Aethaliam stare, Liv. – Dafür spätlat. cognito mit folg. quod (den Umstand, daß usw.), Iustin. 1, 7, 9 (dazu Fittb.) u. ö. Treb. Poll. Gallien. 3, 6. Vopisc. Prob. 10, 8. – γ) m. folg. indir. Fragesatz: tandem cognosti, qui siem, Ter.: cognoscite nunc, quae potestas decemviris et quanta detur, Cic.: cognoscendi quid fieret facultas, Caes.: qualis esset natura montis, qui cognoscerent misit, Caes.: id socordiane an casu factum sit, parum cognovi, Sall.: ibi per certos exploratores in singula diei tempora, quae ad Avaricum agerentur, cognoscebat, Caes. – u. im Abl. absol. (vgl. no. β), nachdem man erfahren, in Erfahrung gebracht, Romae nondum cognito, qui fuisset exitus in Illyrico, Tac. – δ) m. folg. de u. Abl. = über etw. Kunde od. Nachricht erhalten (erlangen, sich verschaffen), von etw. unterrichtet werden od. sich unterrichten od. sich unterrichten lassen, habes consilia nostra; nunc cognosce de Bruto, Cic.: ibi cognoscit de Clodii caede, Caes. – de omnibus rebus, quae ad te pertinent, quid actum, quid constitutum sit, optime ex M. Plaetorio cognosces, Cic.: simul consul ex multis de hostium adventu cognovit, Sall.: de meo studio... credo te cognoscere ex litteris tuorum, Cic. – ε) absol.: nobis pleraque digna cognitu obvenere, Tac.: quo res facilior cognitu esset, Cornif. rhet.: id quod ei... facile erit cognitu, Cic.: quae res harum aliquam rem consequantur faciles erunt cognitu, Cic.

    II) insbes.: a) wie erkennen, als allg. Ausdr. auch = wiedererkennen (s. Gernh. Cic. Lael. 1, 5. Benecke Cic. Cat. 3, 5, 10 u. Iustin. 2, 6, 20. Kritz u. Fabri Sall. Cat. 47, 3. Fabri Liv. 24, 16, 5. Mencken Observv. p. 113 sqq.), et signum et manum suam, Cic.: pecus, Liv.: suas res, sua, Liv.: Cratippum, Cic.: inimicos suos, Sall.: inter ceteras Veturiam, Liv.: alqm facie (am G.), Liv.: cuius erat facies, in qua mater paterque cognosci possent, Ov.: alii cives Romani, ne cognoscerentur, involutis e carcere capitibus rapiebantur, Cic. – b) vor Gericht jmd. als eine bestimmte Pers. erkennen u. dadurch jmds. Identität (d.i. daß er ein röm. Bürger sei u. seinen Namen mit Recht trage) bezeugen, bescheinigen, cum eum Syracusis amplius centum cives Romani cognoscerent, Cic. II. Verr. 1, 14: u. so Cic. Verr. 5, 72. – c) (wie ἀναγιγνώσκειν) von einer Schrift Kenntnis nehmen, sich mit einer Schrift dem Inhalt nach bekannt machen, sie einsehen, eine Schrift, einen Schriftsteller lesen, studieren, α) übh.: litteras, Cic. u. Nep.: libellum, Suet.: librum, Nep.: Servii orationem, Cic.: audire oratores Graecos cognoscereque eorum litteras, Cic.: edicta veterum praetorum legere atque c., Gell.: c. Demosthenem totum, Cic.: auctores, Tac. dial. – absol., quid tam iucundum cognitu atque auditu, quam sapientibus sententiis gravibusque verbis ornata oratio et perpolita? Cic. – d) wie γιγνώσκειν u. das alttestam. erkennen, euphemist. vom fleischlichen Umgange, virum, Ov.: uxorem alcis adulterio, Iustin.: Postumia stupro cognita, Tac.: tacito iam cognita furto Deidamia mihi, Stat. – e) beurteilend in etw. Einsicht gewinnen od. zu gewinnen suchen, etw. prüfen, untersuchen, α) übh.: accipe et cognosce signum, Plaut. Pseud. 988: nam et cognoscendi et ignoscendi dabitur peccati locus, Ter. heaut. 218: u. so prüfen u. dah. unterscheiden, ova, Cic. Acad. 2, 86: numerum tuorum militum reliquiasque, mustern, Cic. Pis. 92. – β) v. Theaterpublikum, favete, adeste aequo animo et rem cognoscite, Ter.: aequum est vos cognoscere atque ignoscere, si etc., Ter. – γ) v. Sachwalter, eine zu verteidigende Sache, rem tantam, tot controversiis implicatam, Cic.: causas diligenter penitusque, Cic. – δ) v. Richter od. einem andern Magistrate u. dgl. untersuchen, eine Untersuchung (ein Verhör) anstellen, Gericht halten, m. Acc., causam od. causas, Cic.: causā cognitā (Ggstz. causā incognitā), Cic. – m. de u. Abl., de agro Campano, Cic.: de hereditate, Cic.: cognoscere statuereque de controversiis regum, Liv.: de eorum postulatis, Caes.: c. de actis Caesaris, Cic.: de servo corrupto, ICt. – absol., Verres adesse iubebat, Verres cognoscebat, Verres iudicabat, Cic.: Caesar ut cognosceret, postularunt, Caes.: magistratibus pro tribunali cognoscentibus, Suet. – / Perf. -Formen zsgzg. cognosti, cognostis, cognorim, -ris, -rit, cognoram, cognossem, cognossent, cognoro, cognosse, oft bei Cic. u.a., s. Neue-Wagener Formenl.3 3, 487 u. Georges, Lexik. d. lat. Wortf. S. 145. – cognoscin = cognoscisne, Plaut. Amph. 822 codd.; Poen. 5, 3, 11 codd.; vgl. C. F. W. Müller Nachtr. usw. S. 101. – vulg. Partiz. Perf. Pass. cognotus, Itala (Cant.) Luc. 24, 35; Itala (Clar.) 1. Cor. 13, 12.

    lateinisch-deutsches > cognosco

  • 4 cognosco

    cō-gnōsco, gnōvī, gnitum, ere (co und gnōsco = nōsco), einen Ggstd. kennen lernen, erkennen (auch = erproben), wahrnehmen, bemerken, vernehmen, erfahren, ersehen, zur Kenntnis od. Erkenntnis einer Sache gelangen, von etw. unterrichtet werden od. sich unterrichten, u. im Perf. auch = kennen, wissen, durch sinnliche od. geistige Wahrnehmung, durch Autopsie, Lektüre, Umgang, Erfahrung, Studium, I) im allg.: α) m. Acc.: sensus ignem cognoscere vere, Lucr.: c. regiones, Caes.: alcis sepulcrum, Suet.: ephebum Temni, Cic.: infantem, Suet.: multa animalia hoc primum saeculo, Sen.: strepitus pedum, Verg. – miserias sociorum, vernehmen, Cic.: responsum, Nep.: sententiam alcis, Nep.: naturam alcis, Sall.: morem hostium, Sall.: animos omnium facile, Nep.: alqm bene cognovisse, Cic.; vgl. alci bene cognitum esse, Caes. in Cic. ep.: antiquitatem diligenter habere cognitam, Nep. – fidem alcis, Caes.: summam in se voluntatem alcis, Caes. – haec animum cognoscere posse, Lucr.: perspicere cognoscereque naturam rerum, Cic.: ius civile domi, Cic. – m. Abl. wodurch? corpora tactu, Lucr.: matrem risu, Verg.: amnem assiduo venatu, Verg.: alqd experiendo magis quam discendo, Cic.: ea et litteris multorum et nuntiis cognosse, Cic.: Gallos, novam gentem, pace potius cognosci quam armis, Liv. – m. per u. Akk., deditio
    per nuntios cognita, Sall. fr.: homo per se cognitus (= homo novus), Cic. – m. ab u. ex m. Abl. = von jmd. od. aus etw., ab alqo haec dicta, Caes.: certissima putabo, quae ex te cognoro, Cic.: c. iter hostium ex perfugis, Sall.: alqm ex litteris alcis, Cic.: alqd non tam ex re, quam ex alcis factis decretisque, Cic.: illa cognosces ex aliis; a me pauca et ea summatim, Cic. ep. 10, 28, 3. – m. ab u. ex m. Abl. = an (aus) etw. (s. Held Caes. b. G. 1, 22, 1), id a Gallicis armis et insignibus, Caes.: alqm sermone ab ipso, Phaedr.: ab eiusdem motu numerorum naturam vimque, Cic.: quaedam magis ex aliorum contentione, quam ipsa per sese, Cic.: ex particula parva scelerum et crudelitatis tuae genus universum, Cic.: alcis adventum ex colore vestitus, Caes. – m. in u. Abl. = in od. bei etw., puerum in Iudo, Nep.: acerrimi viri praestantem prudentiam in omnibus rebus, Nep.: quae in vivis modo cognosci possunt, Cels. – m. einem zweiten Acc. als was? c. alqm bonum, Cic.: alqm hominem pudentem et officiosum, Cic.: alqm hominem summā probitate, Cic.: aliter rem publicam se habentem, Cic.: domos atque villas in urbium modum exaedificatas, Sall.: tam praesentes alibi divos, Verg. – m. Genet. od. Abl. der Eigenschaft, kennen lernen = erproben (s. Held Caes. b. G. 1, 28, 4. Nipperd. Tac. ann. 13, 6, 14), alqm magni animi, magnae inter Gallos auctoritatis cognovisse, Caes.: alqm paratissimo
    animo cognovisse, Cic. – β) m. Acc. u. Infin. u. im Passiv m. Nom. u. Infin., Attici nostri te valde studiosum esse cognovi, Cic.: signo detracto cognoscit sibi pereundum esse, Nep.: magnam multitudinem convenisse hostium in fines Pictonum litteris nuntiisque Duratii cognoscit, Hirt. b. G.: Metello iam antea experimentis cognitum erat genus Numidarum infidum esse, Sall.: cognitus (erkannt, dabei ertappt) Iphicli surripuisse boves, Prop. 2, 3, 52. – per exploratores Caesar cognoscit et montem a suis teneri et Helvetios castra movisse, Caes.: ab his cognoscit non longe ex eo loco oppidum Cassivellauni abesse, Caes.: id factum (esse) ex suis hospitibus cognoverat, Caes.: ex litteris imperatoris ita esse cognovit, Sall. – ecquid ab (an) impressae cognoscis imagine gemmae haec tibi Nasonem scribere verba, Ov.: ut abs te gratissimus esse cognoscerer, Cic. ep. 1, 5. litt. a. § 1. – u. im Abl. absol. (vgl. no. γ), cognito, nachdem man erfahren, in Erfahrung gebracht, cognito vivere Ptolemaeum, Liv.: cognito mandatum sibi auxilium, Aurel. Vict.: ex agrestibus cognito hostium naves ad Aethaliam stare, Liv. – Dafür spätlat. cognito mit folg. quod (den Umstand, daß usw.), Iustin. 1, 7, 9 (dazu Fittb.) u. ö. Treb. Poll. Gallien. 3, 6. Vopisc. Prob. 10, 8. – γ) m. folg. indir. Fragesatz: tandem cognosti, qui siem, Ter.: cognoscite nunc, quae potestas decemviris et quanta detur, Cic.: cognoscendi
    quid fieret facultas, Caes.: qualis esset natura montis, qui cognoscerent misit, Caes.: id socordiane an casu factum sit, parum cognovi, Sall.: ibi per certos exploratores in singula diei tempora, quae ad Avaricum agerentur, cognoscebat, Caes. – u. im Abl. absol. (vgl. no. β), nachdem man erfahren, in Erfahrung gebracht, Romae nondum cognito, qui fuisset exitus in Illyrico, Tac. – δ) m. folg. de u. Abl. = über etw. Kunde od. Nachricht erhalten (erlangen, sich verschaffen), von etw. unterrichtet werden od. sich unterrichten od. sich unterrichten lassen, habes consilia nostra; nunc cognosce de Bruto, Cic.: ibi cognoscit de Clodii caede, Caes. – de omnibus rebus, quae ad te pertinent, quid actum, quid constitutum sit, optime ex M. Plaetorio cognosces, Cic.: simul consul ex multis de hostium adventu cognovit, Sall.: de meo studio... credo te cognoscere ex litteris tuorum, Cic. – ε) absol.: nobis pleraque digna cognitu obvenere, Tac.: quo res facilior cognitu esset, Cornif. rhet.: id quod ei... facile erit cognitu, Cic.: quae res harum aliquam rem consequantur faciles erunt cognitu, Cic.
    II) insbes.: a) wie erkennen, als allg. Ausdr. auch = wiedererkennen (s. Gernh. Cic. Lael. 1, 5. Benecke Cic. Cat. 3, 5, 10 u. Iustin. 2, 6, 20. Kritz u. Fabri Sall. Cat. 47, 3. Fabri Liv. 24, 16, 5. Mencken Observv. p. 113 sqq.), et signum et manum suam, Cic.: pecus, Liv.: suas res, sua, Liv.: Cratippum, Cic.:
    inimicos suos, Sall.: inter ceteras Veturiam, Liv.: alqm facie (am G.), Liv.: cuius erat facies, in qua mater paterque cognosci possent, Ov.: alii cives Romani, ne cognoscerentur, involutis e carcere capitibus rapiebantur, Cic. – b) vor Gericht jmd. als eine bestimmte Pers. erkennen u. dadurch jmds. Identität (d.i. daß er ein röm. Bürger sei u. seinen Namen mit Recht trage) bezeugen, bescheinigen, cum eum Syracusis amplius centum cives Romani cognoscerent, Cic. II. Verr. 1, 14: u. so Cic. Verr. 5, 72. – c) (wie ἀναγιγνώσκειν) von einer Schrift Kenntnis nehmen, sich mit einer Schrift dem Inhalt nach bekannt machen, sie einsehen, eine Schrift, einen Schriftsteller lesen, studieren, α) übh.: litteras, Cic. u. Nep.: libellum, Suet.: librum, Nep.: Servii orationem, Cic.: audire oratores Graecos cognoscereque eorum litteras, Cic.: edicta veterum praetorum legere atque c., Gell.: c. Demosthenem totum, Cic.: auctores, Tac. dial. – absol., quid tam iucundum cognitu atque auditu, quam sapientibus sententiis gravibusque verbis ornata oratio et perpolita? Cic. – d) wie γιγνώσκειν u. das alttestam. erkennen, euphemist. vom fleischlichen Umgange, virum, Ov.: uxorem alcis adulterio, Iustin.: Postumia stupro cognita, Tac.: tacito iam cognita furto Deidamia mihi, Stat. – e) beurteilend in etw. Einsicht gewinnen od. zu gewinnen suchen, etw. prüfen, untersuchen, α) übh.: accipe et cognosce si-
    gnum, Plaut. Pseud. 988: nam et cognoscendi et ignoscendi dabitur peccati locus, Ter. heaut. 218: u. so prüfen u. dah. unterscheiden, ova, Cic. Acad. 2, 86: numerum tuorum militum reliquiasque, mustern, Cic. Pis. 92. – β) v. Theaterpublikum, favete, adeste aequo animo et rem cognoscite, Ter.: aequum est vos cognoscere atque ignoscere, si etc., Ter. – γ) v. Sachwalter, eine zu verteidigende Sache, rem tantam, tot controversiis implicatam, Cic.: causas diligenter penitusque, Cic. – δ) v. Richter od. einem andern Magistrate u. dgl. untersuchen, eine Untersuchung (ein Verhör) anstellen, Gericht halten, m. Acc., causam od. causas, Cic.: causā cognitā (Ggstz. causā incognitā), Cic. – m. de u. Abl., de agro Campano, Cic.: de hereditate, Cic.: cognoscere statuereque de controversiis regum, Liv.: de eorum postulatis, Caes.: c. de actis Caesaris, Cic.: de servo corrupto, ICt. – absol., Verres adesse iubebat, Verres cognoscebat, Verres iudicabat, Cic.: Caesar ut cognosceret, postularunt, Caes.: magistratibus pro tribunali cognoscentibus, Suet. – Perf. -Formen zsgzg. cognosti, cognostis, cognorim, -ris, -rit, cognoram, cognossem, cognossent, cognoro, cognosse, oft bei Cic. u.a., s. Neue- Wagener Formenl.3 3, 487 u. Georges, Lexik. d. lat. Wortf. S. 145. – cognoscin = cognoscisne, Plaut. Amph. 822 codd.; Poen. 5, 3, 11 codd.; vgl. C. F. W. Müller Nachtr. usw. S. 101. – vulg. Partiz. Perf.
    Pass. cognotus, Itala (Cant.) Luc. 24, 35; Itala (Clar.) 1. Cor. 13, 12.

    Ausführliches Lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > cognosco

  • 5 ā

       ā    (before consonants), ab (before vowels, h, and some consonants, esp. l, n, r, s), abs (usu. only before t and q, esp. freq. before the pron. te), old af, praep. with abl., denoting separation or departure (opp. ad).    I. Lit., in space, from, away from, out of.    A. With motion: ab urbe proficisci, Cs.: a supero mari Flaminia (est via), leads: Nunc quidem paululum, inquit, a sole, a little out of the sun: usque a mari supero Romam proficisci, all the way from; with names of cities and small islands, or with domo, home (for the simple abl; of motion, away from, not out of, a place); hence, of raising a siege, of the march of soldiers, the setting out of a fleet, etc.: oppidum ab Aeneā fugiente a Troiā conditum: ab Alesiā, Cs.: profectus ab Orico cum classe, Cs.; with names of persons or with pronouns: cum a vobis discessero: videat forte hic te a patre aliquis exiens, i. e. from his house, T.; (praegn.): a rege munera repudiare, from, sent by, N.—    B. Without motion.    1. Of separation or distance: abesse a domo paulisper maluit: tum Brutus ab Romā aberat, S.: hic locus aequo fere spatio ab castris Ariovisti et Caesaris aberat, Cs.: a foro longe abesse: procul a castris hostes in collibus constiterunt, Cs.: cum esset bellum tam prope a Siciliā; so with numerals to express distance: ex eo loco ab milibus passuum octo, eight miles distant, Cs.: ab milibus passuum minus duobus castra posuerunt, less than two miles off, Cs.; so rarely with substantives: quod tanta machinatio ab tanto spatio instrueretur, so far away, Cs.—    2. To denote a side or direction, etc., at, on, in: ab sinistrā parte nudatis castris, on the left, Cs.: ab eā parte, quā, etc., on that side, S.: Gallia Celtica attingit ab Sequanis flumen Rhenum, on the side of the Sequani, i. e. their country, Cs.: ab decumanā portā castra munita, at the main entrance, Cs.: crepuit hinc a Glycerio ostium, of the house of G., T.: (cornua) ab labris argento circumcludunt, on the edges, Cs.; hence, a fronte, in the van; a latere, on the flank; a tergo, in the rear, behind; a dextro cornu, on the right wing; a medio spatio, half way.—    II. Fig.    A. Of time.    1. Of a point of time, after: Caesar ab decimae legionis cohortatione ad dextrum cornu profectus, immediately after, Cs.: ab eo magistratu, after this office, S.: recens a volnere Dido, fresh from her wound, V.: in Italiam perventum est quinto mense a Carthagine, i. e. after leaving, L.: ab his, i. e. after these words, hereupon, O.: ab simili <*>ade domo profugus, i. e. after and in consequence of, L.—    2. Of a period of time, from, since, after: ab hora tertiā bibebatur, from the third hour: ab Sullā et Pompeio consulibus, since the consulship of: ab incenso Capitolio illum esse vigesumum annum, since, S.: augures omnes usque ab Romulo, since the time of: iam inde ab infelici pugnā ceciderant animi, from (and in consequence of), L.; hence, ab initio, a principio, a primo, at, in, or from the beginning, at first: ab integro, anew, afresh: ab... ad, from (a time)... to: cum ab horā septimā ad vesperum pugnatum sit, Cs.; with nouns or adjectives denoting a time of life: iam inde a pueritiā, T.: a pueritiā: a pueris: iam inde ab incunabulis, L.: a parvo, from a little child, or childhood, L.: ab parvulis, Cs.—    B. In other relations.    1. To denote separation, deterring, intermitting, distinction, difference, etc., from: quo discessum animi a corpore putent esse mortem: propius abesse ab ortu: alter ab illo, next after him, V.: Aiax, heros ab Achille secundus, next in rank to, H.: impotentia animi a temperantiā dissidens: alieno a te animo fuit, estranged; so with adjj. denoting free, strange, pure, etc.: res familiaris casta a cruore civili: purum ab humano cultu solum, L.: (opoidum) vacuum ab defensoribus, Cs.: alqm pudicum servare ab omni facto, etc., II.; with substt.: impunitas ab iudicio: ab armis quies dabatur, L.; or verbs: haec a custodiis loca vacabant, Cs.—    2. To denote the agent, by: qui (Mars) saepe spoliantem iam evertit et perculit ab abiecto, by the agency of: Laudari me abs te, a laudato viro: si quid ei a Caesare gravius accidisset, at Caesar's hands, Cs.: vetus umor ab igne percaluit solis, under, O.: a populo P. imperia perferre, Cs.: equo lassus ab indomito, H.: volgo occidebantur: per quos et a quibus? by whose hands and upon whose orders? factus ab arte decor, artificial, O.: destitutus ab spe, L.; (for the sake of the metre): correptus ab ignibus, O.; (poet. with abl. of means or instr.): intumuit venter ab undā, O.—Ab with abl. of agent for the dat., to avoid ambiguity, or for emphasis: quibus (civibus) est a vobis consulendum: te a me nostrae consuetudinis monendum esse puto.—    3. To denote source, origin, extraction, from, of: Turnus ab Ariciā, L.: si ego me a M. Tullio esse dicerem: oriundi ab Sabinis, L.: dulces a fontibus undae, V.—With verbs of expecting, fearing, hoping (cf. a parte), from, on the part of: a quo quidem genere, iudices, ego numquam timui: nec ab Romanis vobis ulla est spes, you can expect nothing from the Romans, L.; (ellipt.): haec a servorum bello pericula, threatened by: quem metus a praetore Romano stimulabat, fear of what the praetor might do, L.—With verbs of paying, etc., solvere, persolvere, dare (pecuniam) ab aliquo, to pay through, by a draft on, etc.: se praetor dedit, a quaestore numeravit, quaestor a mensā publicā, by an order on the quaestor: ei legat pecuniam a filio, to be paid by his son: scribe decem (milia) a Nerio, pay by a draft on Nerius, H.; cognoscere ab aliquā re, to know or learn by means of something (but ab aliquo, from some one): id se a Gallicis armis atque insignibus cognovisse, Cs.; in giving an etymology: id ab re... interregnum appellatum, L.—Rarely with verbs of beginning and repeating: coepere a fame mala, L.: a se suisque orsus, Ta.—    4. With verbs of freeing from, defending, protecting, from, against: ut a proeliis quietem habuerant, L.: provincia a calamitate est defendenda: sustinere se a lapsu, L.—    5. With verbs and adjectives, to define the respect in which, in relation to, with regard to, in respect to, on the part of: orba ab optimatibus contio: mons vastus ab naturā et humano cultu, S.: ne ab re sint omissiores, too neglectful of money or property, T.: posse a facundiā, in the matter of eloquence, T.; cf. with laborare, for the simple abl, in, for want of: laborare ab re frumentariā, Cs.—    6. In stating a motive, from, out of, on account of, in consequence of: patres ab honore appellati, L.: inops tum urbs ab longinquā obsidione, L.—    7. Indicating a part of the whole, of, out of: scuto ab novissimis uni militi detracto, Cs.: a quibus (captivis) ad Senatum missus (Regulus).—    8. Marking that to which anything belongs: qui sunt ab eā disciplinā: nostri illi a Platone et Aristotele aiunt.—    9. Of a side or party: vide ne hoc totum sit a me, makes for my view: vir ab innocentiā clementissimus, in favor of.—10. In late prose, of an office: ab epistulis, a secretary, Ta. Note. Ab is not repeated with a following pron interrog. or relat.: Arsinoën, Stratum, Naupactum... fateris ab hostibus esse captas. Quibus autem hostibus? Nempe iis, quos, etc. It is often separated from the word which it governs: a nullius umquam me tempore aut commodo: a minus bono, S.: a satis miti principio, L.—The poets join a and que, making āque; but in good prose que is annexed to the following abl. (a meque, abs teque, etc.): aque Chao, V.: aque mero, O.—In composition, ab- stands before vowels, and h, b, d, i consonant, l, n, r, s; abs- before c, q, t; b is dropped, leaving as- before p; ā- is found in āfuī, āfore ( inf fut. of absum); and au- in auferō, aufugiō.
    * * *
    Ah!; (distress/regret/pity, appeal/entreaty, surprise/joy, objection/contempt)
    by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin/time); after (reference)
    ante, abb. a.

    in calendar expression a. d. = ante diem -- before the day

    Latin-English dictionary > ā

  • 6 ab

    ăb, ā, abs, prep. with abl. This IndoEuropean particle (Sanscr. apa or ava, Etr. av, Gr. upo, Goth. af, Old Germ. aba, New Germ. ab, Engl. of, off) has in Latin the following forms: ap, af, ab (av), au-, a, a; aps, abs, as-. The existence of the oldest form, ap, is proved by the oldest and best MSS. analogous to the prep. apud, the Sanscr. api, and Gr. epi, and by the weakened form af, which, by the rule of historical grammar and the nature of the Latin letter f, can be derived only from ap, not from ab. The form af, weakened from ap, also very soon became obsolete. There are but five examples of it in inscriptions, at the end of the sixth and in the course of the seventh century B. C., viz.:


    Inscr. Orell. 3114;

    AF MVRO,

    ib. 6601;


    ib. 3308;

    AF SOLO,

    ib. 589;

    AF LYCO,

    ib. 3036 ( afuolunt =avolant, Paul. ex Fest. p. 26 Mull., is only a conjecture). In the time of Cicero this form was regarded as archaic, and only here and there used in account-books; v. Cic. Or. 47, 158 (where the correct reading is af, not abs or ab), and cf. Ritschl, Monum. Epigr. p. 7 sq.—The second form of this preposition, changed from ap, was ab, which has become the principal form and the one most generally used through all periods—and indeed the only oue used before all vowels and h; here and there also before some consonants, particularly l, n, r, and s; rarely before c, j, d, t; and almost never before the labials p, b, f, v, or before m, such examples as ab Massiliensibus, Caes. B. C. 1, 35, being of the most rare occurrence.—By changing the b of ab through v into u, the form au originated, which was in use only in the two compounds aufero and aufugio for abfero, ab-fugio; aufuisse for afuisse, in Cod. Medic. of Tac. A. 12, 17, is altogether unusual. Finally, by dropping the b of ab, and lengthening the a, ab was changed into a, which form, together with ab, predominated through all periods of the Latin language, and took its place before all consonants in the later years of Cicero, and after him almoet exclusively.—By dropping the b without lengthening the a, ab occurs in the form a- in the two compounds a-bio and a-perio, q. v.—On the other hand, instead of reducing ap to a and a, a strengthened collateral form, aps, was made by adding to ap the letter s (also used in particles, as in ex, mox, vix). From the first, aps was used only before the letters c, q, t, and was very soon changed into abs (as ap into ab):

    abs chorago,

    Plaut. Pers. 1, 3, 79 (159 Ritschl):

    abs quivis,

    Ter. Ad. 2, 3, 1:

    abs terra,

    Cato, R. R. 51;

    and in compounds: aps-cessero,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 1, 24 (625 R.); id. ib. 3, 2, 84 (710 R): abs-condo, abs-que, abs-tineo, etc. The use of abs was confined almost exclusively to the combination abs te during the whole ante-classic period, and with Cicero till about the year 700 A. U. C. (=B. C. 54). After that time Cicero evidently hesitates between abs te and a te, but during the last five or six years of his life a te became predominant in all his writings, even in his letters; consequently abs te appears but rarely in later authors, as in Liv. 10, 19, 8; 26, 15, 12;

    and who, perhaps, also used abs conscendentibus,

    id. 28, 37, 2; v. Drakenb. ad. h. l. (Weissenb. ab).—Finally abs, in consequence of the following p, lost its b, and became ds- in the three compounds aspello, as-porto, and as-pernor (for asspernor); v. these words.—The late Lat. verb abbrevio may stand for adbrevio, the d of ad being assimilated to the following b.The fundamental signification of ab is departure from some fixed point (opp. to ad. which denotes motion to a point).
    In space, and,
    Fig., in time and other relations, in which the idea of departure from some point, as from source and origin, is included; Engl. from, away from, out of; down from; since, after; by, at, in, on, etc.
    Lit., in space: ab classe ad urbem tendunt, Att. ap. Non. 495, 22 (Trag. Rel. p. 177 Rib.):

    Caesar maturat ab urbe proficisci,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 7:

    fuga ab urbe turpissima,

    Cic. Att. 7, 21:

    ducite ab urbe domum, ducite Daphnim,

    Verg. E. 8, 68. Cicero himself gives the difference between ab and ex thus: si qui mihi praesto fuerit cum armatis hominibus extra meum fundum et me introire prohibuerit, non ex eo, sed ab ( from, away from) eo loco me dejecerit....Unde dejecti Galli? A Capitolio. Unde, qui cum Graccho fucrunt? Ex Capitolio, etc., Cic. Caecin. 30, 87; cf. Diom. p. 408 P., and a similar distinction between ad and in under ad.—Ellipt.: Diogenes Alexandro roganti, ut diceret, si quid opus esset: Nunc quidem paululum, inquit, a sole, a little out of the sun, Cic. Tusc. 5, 32, 92. —Often joined with usque:

    illam (mulierem) usque a mari supero Romam proficisci,

    all the way from, Cic. Clu. 68, 192; v. usque, I.—And with ad, to denote the space passed over: siderum genus ab ortu ad occasum commeant, from... to, Cic. N. D. 2, 19 init.; cf. ab... in:

    venti a laevo latere in dextrum, ut sol, ambiunt,

    Plin. 2, 47, 48, § 128.
    Sometimes with names of cities and small islands, or with domus (instead of the usual abl.), partie., in militnry and nautieal language, to denote the marching of soldiers, the setting out of a flcet, or the departure of the inhabitants from some place:

    oppidum ab Aenea fugiente a Troja conditum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 33:

    quemadmodum (Caesar) a Gergovia discederet,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 43 fin.; so id. ib. 7, 80 fin.; Sall. J. 61; 82; 91; Liv. 2, 33, 6 al.; cf.:

    ab Arimino M. Antonium cum cohortibus quinque Arretium mittit,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 11 fin.; and:

    protinus a Corfinio in Siciliam miserat,

    id. ib. 1, 25, 2:

    profecti a domo,

    Liv. 40, 33, 2;

    of setting sail: cum exercitus vestri numquam a Brundisio nisi hieme summa transmiserint,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 12, 32; so id. Fam. 15, 3, 2; Caes. B. C. 3, 23; 3, 24 fin.:

    classe qua advecti ab domo fuerant,

    Liv. 8, 22, 6;

    of citizens: interim ab Roma legatos venisse nuntiatum est,

    Liv. 21, 9, 3; cf.:

    legati ab Orico ad M. Valerium praetorem venerunt,

    id. 24, 40, 2.
    Sometimes with names of persons or with pronouns: pestem abige a me, Enn. ap. Cic. Ac. 2, 28, 89 (Trag. v. 50 Vahl.):

    Quasi ad adulescentem a patre ex Seleucia veniat,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 3, 41; cf.:

    libertus a Fuflis cum litteris ad Hermippum venit,

    Cic. Fl. 20, 47:

    Nigidium a Domitio Capuam venisse,

    id. Att. 7, 24:

    cum a vobis discessero,

    id. Sen. 22:

    multa merces tibi defluat ab Jove Neptunoque,

    Hor. C. 1, 28, 29 al. So often of a person instead of his house, lodging, etc.: videat forte hic te a patre aliquis exiens, from the father, i. e. from his house, Ter. Heaut. 2, 2, 6:

    so a fratre,

    id. Phorm. 5, 1, 5:

    a Pontio,

    Cic. Att. 5, 3 fin.:

    ab ea,

    Ter. And. 1, 3, 21; and so often: a me, a nobis, a se, etc., from my, our, his house, etc., Plaut. Stich. 5, 1, 7; Ter. Heaut. 3, 2, 50; Cic. Att. 4, 9, 1 al.
    Transf., without the idea of motion. To designate separation or distance, with the verbs abesse, distare, etc., and with the particles longe, procul, prope, etc.
    Of separation:

    ego te afuisse tam diu a nobis dolui,

    Cic. Fam. 2, 1, 2:

    abesse a domo paulisper maluit,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 18, § 39:

    tum Brutus ab Roma aberat,

    Sall. C. 40, 5:

    absint lacerti ab stabulis,

    Verg. G. 4, 14.—
    Of distance:

    quot milia fundus suus abesset ab urbe,

    Cic. Caecin. 10, 28; cf.:

    nos in castra properabamus, quae aberant bidui,

    id. Att. 5, 16 fin.; and:

    hic locus aequo fere spatio ab castris Ariovisti et Caesaris aberat,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 43, 1:

    terrae ab hujusce terrae, quam nos incolimus, continuatione distantes,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 66, 164:

    non amplius pedum milibus duobus ab castris castra distabant,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 82, 3; cf. id. lb. 1, 3, 103.—With adverbs: annos multos longinque ab domo bellum gerentes, Enn. ap. Non. 402, 3 (Trag. v. 103 Vahl.):

    cum domus patris a foro longe abesset,

    Cic. Cael. 7, 18 fin.; cf.:

    qui fontes a quibusdam praesidiis aberant longius,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 49, 5:

    quae procul erant a conspectu imperii,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 32, 87; cf.:

    procul a castris hostes in collibus constiterunt,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 17, 1; and:

    tu procul a patria Alpinas nives vides,

    Verg. E. 10, 46 (procul often also with simple abl.;

    v. procul): cum esset in Italia bellum tam prope a Sicilia, tamen in Sicilia non fuit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 2, § 6; cf.:

    tu apud socrum tuam prope a meis aedibus sedebas,

    id. Pis. 11, 26; and:

    tam prope ab domo detineri,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 3, § 6.—So in Caesar and Livy, with numerals to designate the measure of the distance:

    onerariae naves, quae ex eo loco ab milibus passuum octo vento tenebatur,

    eight miles distant, Caes. B. G. 4, 22, 4; and without mentioning the terminus a quo: ad castra contenderunt, et ab milibus passunm minus duobus castra posuerunt, less than two miles off or distant, id. ib. 2, 7, 3; so id. ib. 2, 5, 32; 6, 7, 3; id. B. C. 1, 65; Liv. 38, 20, 2 (for which:

    duo milia fere et quingentos passus ab hoste posuerunt castra,

    id. 37, 38, 5). —
    To denote the side or direction from which an object is viewed in its local relations,=a parte, at, on, in: utrum hacin feriam an ab laeva latus? Enn. ap. Plaut. Cist. 3, 10 (Trag. v. 38 Vahl.); cf.:

    picus et cornix ab laeva, corvos, parra ab dextera consuadent,

    Plaut. As. 2, 1, 12: clamore ab ea parte audito. on this side, Caes. B. G. 3, 26, 4: Gallia Celtica attingit ab Sequanis et Helvetiis flumen Rhenum, on the side of the Sequani, i. e. their country, id. ib. 1, 1, 5:

    pleraque Alpium ab Italia sicut breviora ita arrectiora sunt,

    on the Italian side, Liv. 21, 35, 11:

    non eadem diligentia ab decumuna porta castra munita,

    at the main entrance, Caes. B. G. 3, 25 fin.:

    erat a septentrionibus collis,

    on the north, id. ib. 7, 83, 2; so, ab oriente, a meridie, ab occasu; a fronte, a latere, a tergo, etc. (v. these words).
    In time.
    From a [p. 3] point of time, without reference to the period subsequently elapsed. After:

    Exul ab octava Marius bibit,

    Juv. 1,40:

    mulieres jam ab re divin[adot ] adparebunt domi,

    immediately after the sucrifice, Plaut. Poen. 3, 3, 4:

    Caesar ab decimae legionis cohortatione ad dextrum cornu profectus,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 25, 1:

    ab hac contione legati missi sunt,

    immediately after, Liv. 24, 22, 6; cf. id. 28, 33, 1; 40, 47, 8; 40, 49, 1 al.:

    ab eo magistratu,

    after this office, Sall. J. 63, 5:

    a summa spe novissima exspectabat,

    after the greatest hope, Tac. A. 6, 50 fin. —Strengthened by the adverbs primum, confestim, statim, protinus, or the adj. recens, immediately after, soon after:

    ut primum a tuo digressu Romam veni,

    Cic. Att. 1, 5, 4; so Suet. Tib. 68:

    confestim a proelio expugnatis hostium castris,

    Liv. 30, 36, 1:

    statim a funere,

    Suet. Caes. 85;

    and followed by statim: ab itinere statim,

    id. ib. 60:

    protinus ab adoptione,

    Vell. 2, 104, 3:

    Homerus qui recens ab illorum actate fuit,

    soon after their time, Cic. N. D. 3, 5; so Varr. R. R. 2, 8, 2; Verg. A. 6, 450 al. (v. also primum, confestim, etc.).—

    Sometimes with the name of a person or place, instead of an action: ibi mihi tuae litterae binae redditae sunt tertio abs te die,

    i. e. after their departure from you, Cic. Att. 5, 3, 1: in Italiam perventum est quinto mense a Carthagine Nov[adot ], i. e. after leaving (=postquam a Carthagine profecti sunt), Liv. 21, 38, 1:

    secundo Punico (bello) Scipionis classis XL. die a securi navigavit,

    i. e. after its having been built, Plin. 16, 39, 74, § 192. —Hence the poct. expression: ab his, after this (cf. ek toutôn), i. e. after these words, hereupon, Ov. M. 3, 273; 4, 329; 8, 612; 9, 764.
    With reference to a subsequent period. From, since, after:

    ab hora tertia bibebatur,

    from the third hour, Cic. Phil. 2, 41:

    infinito ex tempore, non ut antea, ab Sulla et Pompeio consulibus,

    since the consulship of, id. Agr. 2, 21, 56:

    vixit ab omni aeternitate,

    from all eternity, id. Div. 1, 51, 115:

    cum quo a condiscipulatu vivebat conjunctissime,

    Nep. Att. 5, 3:

    in Lycia semper a terrae motu XL. dies serenos esse,

    after an earthquake, Plin. 2, 96, 98, § 211 al.:

    centesima lux est haec ab interitu P. Clodii,

    since the death of, Cic. Mil. 35, 98; cf.:

    cujus a morte quintus hic et tricesimus annus est,

    id. Sen. 6, 19; and:

    ab incenso Capitolio illum esse vigesumiun annum,

    since, Sall. C. 47, 2:

    diebus triginta, a qua die materia caesa est,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 36.—Sometimes joined with usque and inde:

    quod augures omnes usque ab Romulo decreverunt,

    since the time of, Cic. Vat. 8, 20:

    jam inde ab infelici pugna ceciderant animi,

    from the very beginning of, Liv. 2, 65 fin. —Hence the adverbial expressions ab initio, a principio, a primo, at, in, or from the beginning, at first; v. initium, principium, primus. Likewise ab integro, anew, afresh; v. integer.—Ab... ad, from (a time)... to:

    ab hora octava ad vesperum secreto collocuti sumus,

    Cic. Att. 7, 8, 4; cf.:

    cum ab hora septima ad vesperum pugnatum sit,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 26, 2; and:

    a quo tempore ad vos consules anni sunt septingenti octoginta unus,

    Vell. 1, 8, 4; and so in Plautus strengthened by usque:

    pugnata pugnast usque a mane ad vesperum,

    from morning to evening, Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 97; id. Most. 3, 1, 3; 3, 2, 80.—Rarely ab... in: Romani ab sole orto in multum diei stetere in acie, from... till late in the day, Liv. 27, 2, 9; so Col. 2, 10, 17; Plin. 2, 31, 31, § 99; 2, 103, 106, § 229; 4, 12, 26, § 89.
    Particularly with nouns denoting a time of life:

    qui homo cum animo inde ab ineunte aetate depugnat suo,

    from an early age, from early youth, Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 24; so Cic. Off. 2, 13, 44 al.:

    mihi magna cum co jam inde a pueritia fuit semper famillaritas,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 2, 9; so,

    a pueritia,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 11, 27 fin.; id. Fam. 5, 8, 4:

    jam inde ab adulescentia,

    Ter. Ad. 1, 1, 16:

    ab adulescentia,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 1:

    jam a prima adulescentia,

    id. Fam. 1, 9, 23:

    ab ineunte adulescentia,

    id. ib. 13, 21, 1; cf.

    followed by ad: usque ad hanc aetatem ab incunte adulescentia,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 20:

    a primis temporibus aetatis,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 3, 3:

    a teneris unguiculis,

    from childhood, id. ib. 1, 6, 2:

    usque a toga pura,

    id. Att. 7, 8, 5:

    jam inde ab incunabulis,

    Liv. 4, 36, 5:

    a prima lanugine,

    Suet. Oth. 12:

    viridi ab aevo,

    Ov. Tr. 4, 10, 17 al.;

    rarely of animals: ab infantia,

    Plin. 10, 63, 83, § 182.—Instead of the nom. abstr. very often (like the Greek ek paioôn, etc.) with concrete substantives: a pucro, ab adulescente, a parvis, etc., from childhood, etc.:

    qui olim a puero parvulo mihi paedagogus fuerat,

    Plaut. Merc. 1, 1, 90; so,

    a pausillo puero,

    id. Stich. 1, 3, 21:

    a puero,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 36, 115; id. Fam. 13, 16, 4 (twice) al.:

    a pueris,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 24, 57; id. de Or. 1, 1, 2 al.:

    ab adulescente,

    id. Quint. 3, 12:

    ab infante,

    Col. 1, 8, 2:

    a parva virgine,

    Cat. 66, 26 al. —Likewise and in the same sense with adject.: a parvo, from a little child, or childhood, Liv. 1, 39, 6 fin.; cf.:

    a parvis,

    Ter. And. 3, 3, 7; Cic. Leg. 2, 4, 9:

    a parvulo,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 8; id. Ad. 1, 1, 23; cf.:

    ab parvulis,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 21, 3:

    ab tenero,

    Col. 5, 6, 20;

    and rarely of animals: (vacca) a bima aut trima fructum ferre incipit,

    Varr. R. R. 2, 1, 13.
    In other relations in which the idea of going forth, proceeding, from something is included.
    In gen. to denote departure, separation, deterring, avoiding, intermitting, etc., or distance, difference, etc., of inanimate or abstract things. From: jus atque aecum se a malis spernit procul, Enn. ap. Non. 399, 10 (Trag. v. 224 Vahl.):

    suspitionem et culpam ut ab se segregent,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 42:

    qui discessum animi a corpore putent esse mortem,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 9, 18:

    hic ab artificio suo non recessit,

    id. ib. 1, 10, 20 al.:

    quod si exquiratur usque ab stirpe auctoritas,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 180:

    condicionem quam ab te peto,

    id. ib. 2, 4, 87; cf.:

    mercedem gloriae flagitas ab iis, quorum, etc.,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 15, 34:

    si quid ab illo acceperis,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 90:

    quae (i. e. antiquitas) quo propius aberat ab ortu et divina progenie,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 12, 26:

    ab defensione desistere,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 12, 4:

    ne quod tempus ab opere intermitteretur,

    id. B. G. 7, 24, 2:

    ut homines adulescentis a dicendi studio deterream,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 25, 117, etc.—Of distance (in order, rank, mind, or feeling):

    qui quartus ab Arcesila fuit,

    the fourth in succession from, Cic. Ac. 1, 12, 46:

    tu nunc eris alter ab illo,

    next after him, Verg. E. 5, 49; cf.:

    Aiax, heros ab Achille secundus,

    next in rank to, Hor. S. 2, 3, 193:

    quid hoc ab illo differt,

    from, Cic. Caecin. 14, 39; cf.:

    hominum vita tantum distat a victu et cultu bestiarum,

    id. Off. 2, 4, 15; and:

    discrepare ab aequitate sapientiam,

    id. Rep. 3, 9 fin. (v. the verbs differo, disto, discrepo, dissideo, dissentio, etc.):

    quae non aliena esse ducerem a dignitate,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 7:

    alieno a te animo fuit,

    id. Deiot. 9, 24 (v. alienus). —So the expression ab re (qs. aside from the matter, profit; cf. the opposite, in rem), contrary to one's profit, to a loss, disadvantageous (so in the affirmative very rare and only ante-class.):

    subdole ab re consulit,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 1, 12; cf. id. Capt. 2, 2, 88; more frequently and class. (but not with Cicero) in the negative, non, haud, ab re, not without advantage or profit, not useless or unprofitable, adcantageous:

    haut est ab re aucupis,

    Plaut. As. 1, 3, 71:

    non ab re esse Quinctii visum est,

    Liv. 35, 32, 6; so Plin. 27, 8, 35; 31, 3, 26; Suet. Aug. 94; id. Dom. 11; Gell. 18, 14 fin.; App. Dogm. Plat. 3, p. 31, 22 al. (but in Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 44, ab re means with respect to the money matter).
    In partic.
    To denote an agent from whom an action proceeds, or by whom a thing is done or takes place. By, and in archaic and solemn style, of. So most frequently with pass. or intrans. verbs with pass. signif., when the active object is or is considered as a living being: Laudari me abs te, a laudato viro, Naev. ap. Cic. Tusc. 4, 31, 67: injuria abs te afficior, Enn. ap. Auct. Her. 2, 24, 38:

    a patre deductus ad Scaevolam,

    Cic. Lael. 1, 1:

    ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur,

    id. ib. 1, 3:

    disputata ab eo,

    id. ib. 1, 4 al.:

    illa (i. e. numerorum ac vocum vis) maxime a Graecia vetere celebrata,

    id. de Or. 3, 51, 197:

    ita generati a natura sumus,

    id. Off. 1, 29, 103; cf.:

    pars mundi damnata a rerum natura,

    Plin. 4, 12, 26, § 88:

    niagna adhibita cura est a providentia deorum,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 51 al. —With intrans. verbs:

    quae (i. e. anima) calescit ab eo spiritu,

    is warmed by this breath, Cic. N. D. 2, 55, 138; cf. Ov. M. 1, 417: (mare) qua a sole collucet, Cic. Ac. 2, 105:

    salvebis a meo Cicerone,

    i. e. young Cicero sends his compliments to you, id. Att. 6, 2 fin.:

    a quibus (Atheniensibus) erat profectus,

    i. e. by whose command, Nep. Milt. 2, 3:

    ne vir ab hoste cadat,

    Ov. H. 9, 36 al. —A substantive or adjective often takes the place of the verb (so with de, q. v.):

    levior est plaga ab amico quam a debitore,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 16, 7; cf.:

    a bestiis ictus, morsus, impetus,

    id. Off. 2, 6, 19:

    si calor est a sole,

    id. N. D. 2, 52:

    ex iis a te verbis (for a te scriptis),

    id. Att. 16, 7, 5:

    metu poenae a Romanis,

    Liv. 32, 23, 9:

    bellum ingens a Volscis et Aequis,

    id. 3, 22, 2:

    ad exsolvendam fldem a consule,

    id. 27, 5, 6.—With an adj.:

    lassus ab equo indomito,

    Hor. S. 2, 2, 10:

    Murus ab ingenic notior ille tuo,

    Prop. 5, 1, 126:

    tempus a nostris triste malis,

    time made sad by our misfortunes, Ov. Tr. 4, 3, 36.—Different from per:

    vulgo occidebantur: per quos et a quibus?

    by whom and upon whose orders? Cic. Rosc. Am. 29, 80 (cf. id. ib. 34, 97: cujus consilio occisus sit, invenio; cujus manu sit percussus, non laboro); so,

    ab hoc destitutus per Thrasybulum (i. e. Thrasybulo auctore),

    Nep. Alc. 5, 4.—Ambiguity sometimes arises from the fact that the verb in the pass. would require ab if used in the active:

    si postulatur a populo,

    if the people demand it, Cic. Off. 2, 17, 58, might also mean, if it is required of the people; on the contrary: quod ab eo (Lucullo) laus imperatoria non admodum exspectabatur, not since he did not expect military renown, but since they did not expect military renown from him, Cic. Ac. 2, 1, 2, and so often; cf. Rudd. II. p. 213. (The use of the active dative, or dative of the agent, instead of ab with the pass., is well known, Zumpt, § 419. It is very seldom found in prose writers of the golden age of Roman liter.; with Cic. sometimes joined with the participles auditus, cognitus, constitutus, perspectus, provisus, susceptus; cf. Halm ad Cic. Imp. Pomp. 24, 71, and ad ejusdem, Cat. 1, 7 fin.; but freq. at a later period; e. g. in Pliny, in Books 2-4 of H. N., more than twenty times; and likewise in Tacitus seventeen times. Vid. the passages in Nipperd. ad Tac. A. 2, 49.) Far more unusual is the simple abl. in the designation of persons:

    deseror conjuge,

    Ov. H. 12, 161; so id. ib. 5, 75; id. M. 1, 747; Verg. A. 1, 274; Hor. C. 2, 4, 9; 1, 6, 2;

    and in prose,

    Quint. 3, 4, 2; Sen. Contr. 2, 1; Curt. 6, 7, 8; cf. Rudd. II. p. 212; Zumpt ad Quint. V. p. 122 Spalding.—Hence the adverbial phrase a se=uph heautou, sua sponte, of one's own uccord, spontaneously:

    ipsum a se oritur et sua sponte nascitur,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 24, 78:

    (urna) ab se cantat quoja sit,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 5, 21 (al. eapse; cf. id. Men. 1, 2, 66); so Col. 11, 1, 5; Liv. 44, 33, 6.
    With names of towns to denote origin, extraction, instead of gentile adjectives. From, of:

    pastores a Pergamide,

    Varr. R. R. 2, 2, 1:

    Turnus ab Aricia,

    Liv. 1, 50, 3 (for which Aricinus, id. 1, 51, 1):

    obsides dant trecentos principum a Cora atque Pometia liberos,

    Liv. 2, 22, 2; and poet.: O longa mundi servator ab Alba, Auguste, thou who art descended from the old Alban race of kings (=oriundus, or ortus regibus Albanis), Prop. 5, 6, 37.
    In giving the etymology of a name: eam rem (sc. legem, Gr. nomon) illi Graeco putant nomine a suum cuique tribuendo appellatam, ego nostro a legendo, Cic. Leg. 1, 6, 19: annum intervallum regni fuit: id ab re... interregnum appellatum, Liv. 1, 17, 6:

    (sinus maris) ab nomine propinquae urbis Ambracius appellatus,

    id. 38, 4, 3; and so Varro in his Ling. Lat., and Pliny, in Books 1-5 of H. N., on almost every page. (Cf. also the arts. ex and de.)
    With verbs of beginning and repeating: a summo bibere, in Plaut. to drink in succession from the one at the head of the table:

    da, puere, ab summo,

    Plaut. As. 5, 2, 41; so,

    da ab Delphio cantharum circum, id Most. 1, 4, 33: ab eo nobis causa ordienda est potissimum,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 7, 21:

    coepere a fame mala,

    Liv. 4, 12, 7:

    cornicem a cauda de ovo exire,

    tail-foremost, Plin. 10, 16, 18:

    a capite repetis, quod quaerimus,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 6, 18 al.
    With verbs of freeing from, defending, or protecting against any thing:

    a foliis et stercore purgato,

    Cato, R. R. 65 (66), 1:

    tantumne ab re tuast oti tibi?

    Ter. Heaut. 1, [p. 4] 1, 23; cf.:

    Saguntini ut a proeliis quietem habuerant,

    Liv. 21, 11, 5:

    expiandum forum ab illis nefarii sceleris vestigiis,

    Cic. Rab. Perd. 4, 11:

    haec provincia non modo a calamitate, sed etiam a metu calamitatis est defendenda,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 6, 14 (v. defendo):

    ab incendio urbem vigiliis munitam intellegebat,

    Sall. C. 32:

    ut neque sustinere se a lapsu possent,

    Liv. 21, 35, 12:

    ut meam domum metueret atque a me ipso caveret,

    Cic. Sest. 64, 133.
    With verbs of expecting, fearing, hoping, and the like, ab =a parte, as, Cic. Att. 9, 7, 4: cum eadem metuam ab hac parte, since I fear the same from this side; hence, timere, metuere ab aliquo, not, to be afraid of any one, but, to fear something (proceeding from) from him:

    el metul a Chryside,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 79; cf.:

    ab Hannibale metuens,

    Liv. 23, 36; and:

    metus a praetore,

    id. 23, 15, 7;

    v. Weissenb. ad h. l.: a quo quidem genere, judices, ego numquam timui,

    Cic. Sull. 20, 59:

    postquam nec ab Romanis robis ulla est spes,

    you can expect nothing from the Romans, Liv. 21, 13, 4.
    With verbs of fastening and holding:

    funiculus a puppi religatus,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 51, 154:

    cum sinistra capillum ejus a vertice teneret,

    Q. Cic. Pet. Cons. 3.
    Ulcisci se ab aliquo, to take vengeance on one:

    a ferro sanguis humanus se ulciscitur,

    Plin. 34, 14, 41 fin.
    Cognoscere ab aliqua re to knoio or learn by means of something (different from ab aliquo, to learn from some one):

    id se a Gallicis armis atque insignibus cognovisse,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 22.
    Dolere, laborare, valere ab, instead of the simple abl.:

    doleo ab animo, doleo ab oculis, doleo ab aegritudine,

    Plaut. Cist. 1, 1, 62:

    a morbo valui, ab animo aeger fui,

    id. Ep. 1, 2, 26; cf. id. Aul. 2, 2, 9:

    a frigore et aestu ne quid laborent,

    Varr. R. R. 2, 2, 17; so,

    a frigore laborantibus,

    Plin. 32, 10, 46, § 133; cf.:

    laborare ab re frumentaria,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 10, 1; id. B. C. 3, 9; v. laboro.
    Where verbs and adjectives are joined with ab, instead of the simple abl., ab defines more exactly the respect in which that which is expressed by the verb or adj. is to be understood, in relation to, with regard to, in respect to, on the part of:

    ab ingenio improbus,

    Plaut. Truc. 4, 3, 59:

    a me pudica'st,

    id. Curc. 1, 1, 51:

    orba ab optimatibus contio,

    Cic. Fl. 23, 54; ro Ov. H. 6,156: securos vos ab hac parte reddemus, Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 24 fin. (v. securus):

    locus copiosus a frumento,

    Cic. Att. 5, 18, 2; cf.:

    sumus imparati cum a militibas tum a pecunia,

    id. ib. 7, 15 fin.:

    ille Graecus ab omni laude felicior,

    id. Brut. 16, 63:

    ab una parte haud satis prosperuin,

    Liv. 1, 32, 2 al.;

    so often in poets ab arte=arte,

    artfully, Tib. 1, 5, 4; 1, 9, 66; Ov. Am. 2, 4, 30.
    In the statement of the motive instead of ex, propter, or the simple abl. causae, from, out of, on account of, in consequence of: ab singulari amore scribo, Balb. ap. Cic. Att. 9, 7, B fin.:

    linguam ab irrisu exserentem,

    thrusting out the tongue in derision, Liv. 7, 10, 5:

    ab honore,

    id. 1, 8; so, ab ira, a spe, ab odio, v. Drak. ad Liv. 24, 30, 1: 26, 1, 3; cf. also Kritz and Fabri ad Sall. J. 31, 3, and Fabri ad Liv. 21, 36, 7.
    Especially in the poets instead of the gen.:

    ab illo injuria,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 129:

    fulgor ab auro,

    Lucr. 2, 5:

    dulces a fontibus undae,

    Verg. G. 2, 243.
    In indicating a part of the whole, for the more usual ex, of, out of:

    scuto ab novissimis uni militi detracto,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 25, 1:

    nonnuill ab novissimis,

    id. ib.; Cic. Sest. 65, 137; cf. id. ib. 59 fin.: a quibus (captivis) ad Senatum missus (Regulus).
    In marking that from which any thing proceeds, and to which it belongs:

    qui sunt ab ea disciplina,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 3, 7:

    ab eo qui sunt,

    id. Fin. 4, 3, 7:

    nostri illi a Platone et Aristotele aiunt,

    id. Mur. 30, 63 (in imitation of oi upo tinos).
    To designate an office or dignity (with or without servus; so not freq. till after the Aug. period;

    in Cic. only once): Pollex, servus a pedibus meus,

    one of my couriers, Cic. Att. 8, 5, 1; so,

    a manu servus,

    a secretary, Suet. Caes. 74: Narcissum ab eplstulis ( secretary) et Pallantem a rationibus ( accountant), id. Claud. 28; and so, ab actis, ab admissione, ab aegris, ab apotheca, ab argento, a balneis, a bibliotheca, a codicillis, a jumentis, a potione, etc. (v. these words and Inscr. Orell. vol. 3, Ind. xi. p. 181 sq.).
    The use of ab before adverbs is for the most part peculiar to later Latinity:

    a peregre,

    Vitr. 5, 7 (6), 8:

    a foris,

    Plin. 17, 24, 37; Vulg. Gen, 7, 16; ib. Matt. 23, 27:

    ab intus,

    ib. ib. 7, 15:

    ab invicem,

    App. Herb. 112; Vulg. Matt. 25, 32; Cypr. Ep. 63, 9: Hier. Ep. 18:

    a longe,

    Hyg. Fab. 257; Vulg. Gen. 22, 4; ib. Matt. 26, 58:

    a modo,

    ib. ib. 23, 39;

    Hier. Vit. Hilar.: a nune,

    Vulg. Luc. 1, 48:

    a sursum,

    ib. Marc. 15, 38.
    Ab is not repeated like most other prepositions (v. ad, ex, in, etc.) with pron. interrog. or relat. after subst. and pron. demonstr. with ab:

    Arsinoen, Stratum, Naupactum...fateris ab hostibus esse captas. Quibus autem hostibus? Nempe iis, quos, etc.,

    Cic. Pis. 37, 91:

    a rebus gerendis senectus abstrahit. Quibus? An iis, quae in juventute geruntur et viribus?

    id. Sen. 6:

    a Jove incipiendum putat. Quo Jove?

    id. Rep. 1, 36, 56:

    res publica, quascumque vires habebit, ab iis ipsis, quibus tenetur, de te propediem impetrabit,

    id. Fam. 4, 13, 5.—
    Ab in Plantus is once put after the word which it governs: quo ab, As. 1, 1, 106.—
    It is in various ways separated from the word which it governs:

    a vitae periculo,

    Cic. Brut. 91, 313:

    a nullius umquam me tempore aut commodo,

    id. Arch. 6, 12:

    a minus bono,

    Sall. C. 2, 6:

    a satis miti principio,

    Liv. 1, 6, 4:

    damnis dives ab ipsa suis,

    Ov. H. 9, 96; so id. ib. 12, 18; 13, 116.—
    The poets join a and que, making aque; but in good prose que is annexed to the following abl. (a meque, abs teque, etc.):

    aque Chao,

    Verg. G. 4, 347:

    aque mero,

    Ov. M. 3, 631:

    aque viro,

    id. H. 6, 156:

    aque suis,

    id. Tr. 5, 2, 74 al. But:

    a meque,

    Cic. Fam. 2, 16, 1:

    abs teque,

    id. Att. 3, 15, 4:

    a teque,

    id. ib. 8, 11, §

    7: a primaque adulescentia,

    id. Brut. 91, 315 al. —
    A Greek noun joined with ab stands in the dat.: a parte negotiati, hoc est pragmatikê, removisse, Quint. 3, 7, 1.
    In composition ab,
    Retains its original signif.: abducere, to take or carry away from some place: abstrahere, to draw auay; also, downward: abicere, to throw down; and denoting a departure from the idea of the simple word, it has an effect apparently privative: absimilis, departing from the similar, unlike: abnormis, departing from the rule, unusual (different from dissimilis, enormis); and so also in amens=a mente remotus, alienus ( out of one's senses, without self-control, insane): absurdus, missounding, then incongruous, irrational: abutor (in one of its senses), to misuse: aborior, abortus, to miscarry: abludo; for the privative force the Latin regularly employs in-, v. 2. in.—
    It more rarely designates completeness, as in absorbere, abutor ( to use up). (The designation of the fourth generation in the ascending or descending line by ab belongs here only in appearance; as abavus for quartus pater, great-great-grandfather, although the Greeks introduced upopappos; for the immutability of the syllable ab in abpatrnus and abmatertera, as well as the signif. Of the word abavus, grandfather's grandfather, imitated in abnepos, grandchild's grandchild, seems to point to a derivation from avi avus, as Festus, p. 13 Mull., explains atavus, by atta avi, or, rather, attae avus.)

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > ab

  • 7 cognosco

    co-gnosco, gnōvi, gnĭtum, 3 ( tempp. perff. contr. cognosti, Ter. And. 3, 4, 7:


    id. Hec. prol. 8:


    Cic. de Or. 1, 31, 143; Cat. 66, 26:


    Cic. Att. 7, 20, 2; id. Fam. 2, 11, 2 fin.: cognorim, Cael. ap. Cic. Att. 10, 9, A, 1:


    Ter. Phorm. 2, 1, 35; Lucr. 6, 534:


    Ter. Eun. 5, 4, 11:


    Cic. Fl. 21, 51; Cat. 91, 3:


    Nep. Lys. 4 fin.:


    Lucr. 1, 331; Cat. 90, 3; Ov. M. 15, 4 al.; v. Neue, Formenl. 2, 532; 2, 535), v. a. [nosco].
    To become thoroughly acquainted with (by the senses or mentally), to learn by inquiring, to examine, investigate, perceive, see, understand, learn; and, in tempp. perff. (cf. nosco) to know (very freq. in all periods and species of composition); constr. with acc., with acc. and inf., or a rel.-clause as object, and with ex, ab, the abl. alone, or per, with the source, etc., of the information, and with de.
    By the senses:

    credit enim sensus ignem cognoscere vere,

    Lucr. 1, 697; 6, 194; Enn. Ann. ap. Pers. 6, 9 (v. 16 Vahl.); cf.:

    doctas cognoscere Athenas,

    Prop. 1, 6, 13; so,


    Caes. B. G. 3, 7:

    domos atque villas,

    Sall. C. 12, 3:

    Elysios campos, etc.,

    Tib. 3, 5, 23:

    totum amnem,

    Verg. A. 9, 245:


    Suet. Calig. 3:

    Aegyptum proficisci cognoscendae antiquitatis,

    Tac. A. 2, 59; cf. Nep. Att. 18, 1:


    Suet. Calig. 13:

    si quid dignum cognitu,

    worth seeing, Suet. Aug. 43 rem, Lucil. ap. Non. p. 275, 22:

    ab iis Caesar haec dicta cognovit, qui sermoni interfuerunt,

    Caes. B. C 3, 18 fin.:

    si tantus amor casus cognoscere nostros.. Incipiam, Verg A. 2, 10: verum, quod institui dicere, miserias cognoscite sociorum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 27, § 65:

    aliquid et litteris et nuntiis cognoscere,

    id. Fam. 1, 5, 1; 14, 5, 1; 14, 6 init.:

    iter ex perfugis,

    Sall. C. 57, 3; id. J. 112, 1 al:

    per exploratores cognovit,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 22; 5, 49; 2, 11;

    7, 16: deditio per nuntios cognita,

    Sall. H. Fragm. 2, 22 Gerl.:

    de Marcelli salute, Cic Fam. 4, 4, 3: de Bruto,

    id. Att. 5, 21, 10;

    Sall J. 73, 1: his (quibus) rebus cognitis very freq. in the historians,

    Caes. B G. 1, 19, 1, 33; 2, 17; 4, 30 et saep., so in abl. absol. cognito, vivere Ptolemaeum, Liv. 33, 41, 5, so id. 37, 13, 5, 44, 28, 4 al.; v. Zumpt, Gram. § 647.—
    Like the Engl. to know, the Heb. (v. Gesen. Lex. s. h. v 3), and the Gr. gignôskô (v. Lidd. and Scott, under the word, III.), euphem of sexual intercourse, Ov. H. 6, 133 aliquam adulterio, Just 5, 2, 5, 22, 1, 13: cognita, Cat 61, 147; Tac. H 4, 44.—
    Mentally, to become acquainted with, learn, recognize, know:

    nihil certum sciri, nihil plane cognosci et percipi possit,

    Cic. de Or 1, 51, 222, Lucr 2, 840;

    quod Di vitiaci fratris summum in populum Romanum studium cognoverat,

    Caes. B. G 1, 19; cf. Sall. C. 51, 16 quem tu, cum ephebum Temni cognosses, Cic. Fl. 21, 51 et saep.: id se a Gallicis armis atque insignibus cognovisse, knew by their weapons and insignia (diff. from ex and ab aliquo, to learn from any one, v ab), Caes. B G. 1, 22; Ov. P 2, 10, 1; Phaedr. 4, 21, 22.—With acc. and inf: nunc animam quoque ut in membris cognoscere possis esse, Lucr 3, 117; cf. Auct. Her. 4, 18, 25: cum paucitatem mililum ex castrorum exiguitate cognosceret, Caes B G. 4, 30: aetatem eorum ex dentibus, Varr R. R. 2, 8 fin.:

    sed Metello jam antea experimentis cognitum erat, genus Numidarum infidum... esse,

    Sall. J 46, 3 al. —With acc. and part.:

    aliter ac sperarat rempublicam se habentem,

    Nep. Ham. 2, 1.—With rel.- clause:

    tandem cognosti qui siem, Ter And. 3, 4, 7: id socordiāne an casu acciderit, parum cognovi,

    Sall. J. 79, 5 al. —
    To recognize that which is already known, acknowledge, identify (rare for agnosco): vereor, ne me quoque, cum domum ab Ilio cessim revertero, Praeter canem cognoscat nemo, Varr. ap. Non. p. 276, 9:

    eum haec cognovit Myrrhina,

    Ter. Hec. 5, 3, 32:

    primum ostendimus Cethego signum: cognovit,

    Cic. Cat. 3, 5, 10; cf.:

    sigilla, ova,

    id. Ac. 2, 26, 86; Lucr. 2, 349:

    pecus exceptum est, quod intra dies XXX. domini cognovissent,

    to identify, Liv. 24, 16, 5; cf.:

    ut suum quisque per triduum cognitum abduceret,

    id. 3, 10, 1; Ov. F. 2, 185:

    video et cognosco signum,

    Plaut. Ps. 4, 2, 45:

    faciem suam,

    Ov. A. A. 3, 508:

    cognito regis corpore,

    Just. 2, 6, 20:


    Ov. P. 3, 2, 105.—So esp., to identify a person before a tribunal:

    cum eum Syracusis amplius centum cives Romani cognoscerent,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 5, § 14; 2, 5, 28, § 72.—
    With the access. idea of individual exertion (cf. Gr. gignôskô), to seek or strive to know something, to inquire into, to investigate, examine (so freq. only as a jurid. and milit. t. t.):

    accipe, cognosce signum,

    Plaut. Ps. 4, 2, 31.
    Jurid. t. t., to examine a case in law, to investigate judicially (cf. cognitio):

    Verres adesse jubebat, Verres cognoscebat, Verres judicabat,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 10, § 26; cf. Quint. 4, 2, 21; Dig. 13, 4, 4 al.—So absol.:

    si judicas, cognosce,

    Sen. Med. 194.—With acc.:


    Quint. 4, 1, 3; cf. id. 11, 1, 77 Spald. N. cr.:


    Cic. Off. 2, 23, 82; id. Verr. 2, 2, 48, § 118. COGNITIONES, Inscr. Orell. 3042.—With de:

    de agro Campano,

    Cic. Phil. 5, 19, 53:

    de Caesaris actis,

    id. Att. 16, 16 B, 8:

    de hereditate,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 7, § 19:

    hac de re,

    id. ib. 2, 1, 10, § 27; cf. Quint. 6, 3, 85; 7, 4, 35; 8, 3, 62 al.; Suet. Aug. 55; 93; id. Tib. 33; id. Calig. 38 al.:

    super aliquā re,

    Dig. 23, 2, 13:

    familiae herciscundae, i. e. ex actione familiae herciscundae,

    ib. 28, 5, 35; cf. ib. 27, 2, 2.—
    Transf., of critics and the criticising public:

    cognoscere atque ignoscere, Quae veteres factitarunt, si faciunt novi,

    Ter. Eun. prol. 42; cf. id. Hec. prol. 3 and 8.—And of private persons in gen.:

    et cognoscendi et ignoscendi dabitur peccati locus,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 1, 6.—
    Milit. t. t., to reconnoitre, to act the part of a scout:

    qualis esset natura montis et qualis in circuitu ascensus, qui cognoscerent, misit,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 21 al— Also merely to inquire into, examine:

    numerum tuorum militum reliquiasque,

    Cic. Pis. 37, 91 (al. recognoscere).—Hence, *
    cognoscens, entis, P. a., acquainted with:

    cognoscens sui,

    Auct. Her. 4, 18, 25. —Subst. in jurid. lang., one who investigates judicially Inscr Orell 3151; 3185.—
    * Adv.: cognoscenter, with knowledge, distinctly:

    ut cognoscenter te videam,

    Tert. adv. Marc. 4, 22.—
    cognĭtus, a, um, P. a., known, acknowledged, approved. res penitus perspectae planeque cognitae, Cic. de Or. 1, 23, 108, cf. id. ib 1, 20, 92; id. Fam. 1, 7, 2. dierum ratio pervulgata et cognita, id. Mur 11, 25:

    homo virtute cognitā et spectatā fide,

    id. Caecin. 36, 104.—With dat.:

    mihi Galba, Otho, Vitellius nec beneficio nec injuriā cogniti,

    Tac. H. 1, 1, so Plin. 12, 21, 45, § 99.— Comp.:

    cognitiora, Ov Tr. 4, 6, 28. cognitius,

    id. M. 14, 15.— Sup.:


    Cat. 4, 14.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > cognosco

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